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    Entries in vaynermedia (2)


    The Nets Brought Virtual Good Luck to the NBA Draft

    Are you looking for new ways to engage fans around a league draft? Are you looking for new ways to leverage social media platforms to drive water cooler conversations around your organization?

    It has become a customary practice for NBA organizations to bring a good luck charm with them to the annual NBA Draft in anticipation of securing a top pick. While some organizations send rising stars, new owners, and sweepstakes winners, the New Jersey Nets turned to VaynerMedia and their avid social media following to bring them good luck in 2010.

    The Nets and VaynerMedia created a microsite,, that utilized Twitter and Facebook social plugins to allow fans the opportunity to post good luck messages to the team without having to leave the page and participate via their social media accounts. With a 25% chance of securing the top pick, Nets fans left hundreds of good luck messages and shared their thoughts about the Net's future and the hopes of securing an elite prospect. The organization launched the microsite at 9am the morning of the Draft and kept it live until just shortly after the draft picks were announced. 

    Unfortunately for the Nets, luck was not on their side and they ended up securing the 3rd spot in the Draft. While the result of the lottery is pretty disappointing for Nets fans, their virtual good luck charm was a hit. Look for some more related initiatives in the near future!


    VaynerMedia Shows that Geolocation is Here to Stay in Sports

    Are you looking for new ways to capitalize on emerging trends in sports social media? Are you looking for new ways to leverage the emerging craze behind Gowalla and Foursquare?

    If you're working in sports and you haven't heard of Foursquare or Gowalla yet, it's time to do your research. Why? The New Jersey Nets are paving the way for sports organizations to begin experimenting with the two aforementioned geolocation platforms to measure how they can deliver in the event marketing space. Geolocation platforms allow users to check into and engage with physical locations and events via mobile devices (here in this virutal setting, marketers can reward them for their loyalty/engagement).

    Check out a terrific case study below that details how VaynerMedia teamed up with the New Jersey Nets to create an innovative Gowalla initiative that drove a group of select, influential fans to the Izod Center to check out a game live.

    Huge opportunities lie on the horizon for sports marketers looking to utilize Foursquare and Gowalla - the key question at this point remains how readily society will adopt these geolocation platforms.

    To download VaynerMedia's presentation (above) please click here.

    A special thanks to Sam Taggart of VaynerMedia for his insights and contributions to this column... a must-see!