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Gatorade's "G" Campaign Begins to Make Sense...

Are you looking to create an inspirational sales piece that does a nice job incorporating product placement? Are you looking for new ways to leverage athlete endorsers?

During the 2009 NBA playoffs, Gatorade launched its most recent commercial to support its "G" campaign. The advertisement does a tremendous job incorporating Gatorade's product and athlete endorsers into a storyline that makes sense. All of the company's miscellaneous slogans are starting to come together to form an impactful messaging campaign.

What is G? Gatorade's newest commercial, "That's G" should give you a better idea:

Despite the initial ambiguity of its $50MM "G" campaign, Gatorade has not lost any strides when it comes to fan recognition (despite losing 7.3% in market share in Q1 2009). More NFL fans correctly identified Gatorade as the league's sponsor in the sports/energy drink category then fans who identified the official sponsor in any other measured category (and higher than any other league-sponsor recognition scores in the NBA, NHL, NASCAR, and MLB). Source: Turnkey Sports & Entertainment Poll for Sports Business Journal 

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