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King Kong Invades Dodger Stadium to Promote New 3D Ride

Universal Studios recently teamed up with the Los Angeles Dodgers to create a viral piece designed to drive buzz for the opening of the park's new King Kong 3D attraction, which opens on July 4th. Universal Studios is releasing a series of viral pieces to drive awareness for the ride, which was designed by director Peter Jackson, and turned to its neighboring partners, the Los Angeles Dodgers, for some assistance with the first piece.

Universal Studios launched the first viral piece, a scene that appeared to be a catastrophe at Dodger Stadium, on May 25th. The video made it appear that King Kong left giant ape footprints near home plate and caused some destruction in deep center field.

Check out the video below and consider new ways that your sports organization can align with theme parks and movie producers to create similar viral pieces in the near future!

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