The Nets Have The Blueprint for Greatness (On a Billboard)

Are you looking for new ways to make a splash in the local marketplace?
Looking to make a huge splash in the 2010 NBA Free Agency period, the New Jersey Nets unveiled a massive 225 x 95 foot mural today at a major Manhatten intersection just blocks away from the New York Knicks' offices at Madison Square Garden. The billboard features a depiction of the team's new Russian billionaire owner Mikhail Prokhorov standing alongside Jay-Z, complete with the slogan "The Blueprint for Greatness".
There is no question that this billboard will catch the eye of many NBA free agents, sending home a message that the Nets organization, under the guidance of new leadership, are serious about becoming major contenders and taking over the Big Apple. The massive mural display will surely be picked up by all of the major newspapers and media outlets and will instantly becoming a topic of water cooler conversation across the globe.
Check out the massive billboard below, which is now complete - just hours before the NBA's Free Agency period begins!
Photo Source: Marianne O'Leary's Flickr Photostream
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