UFC Hits Twitter to Engage with Fans

As sports properties look for new ways to engage fans through non-traditional channels, they should take a close look at how Dana White and UFC are utilizing Twitter to reward their followers.
White is using the official Twitter account of UFC and his own personal Twitter profile to host a #Hunt4UFC scavenger hunt that rewards UFC fans with a variety of prizes. To drive awareness for upcoming fights, White provides a call-to-action to fans via Twitter, posting his location and offering up a prize to the first person who can meet him at that location and repeat a message, etc.
White recently posted a viral piece that shows a fan tracking him down to win free UFC gloves within just 3 minutes and 33 seconds of his post... a pretty remarkable feat! UFC's originality and authentic approach to using Twitter has driven an avid fan following online (White has 1,115,000+ followers; UFC has 139K followers).
Check out the video below and consider new ways that your organization can use Twitter and various other channels to reward fans through non-trational means!
A special thanks to Chris Boggs of GMR Marketing for his insights and contributions to this column.