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When it Comes to Showing Value... Swing for the Fences

fenway.bmpAre you looking to provide additional value to your corporate partners with minimal fixed costs?

The Boston Red Sox recently announced that they are offering groups the chance to take batting practive in the visiting team's batting cage at Fenway Park. In an effort to drive more year-round traffic to the ballpark, the Red Sox are charging groups $50-75 per person (min. 20 persons) for a private party and batting practice. The Red Sox are the first MLB to offer such an experience to fans.

Looking around at our organizations, aren't there a lot of opportunities that we casually overlook that could be simple revenue generating ideas? or additional measures of value that we can provide our corporate partners?

Here are a few:

  • Stadium flag football events for corporate employees
  • Tours of the locker room/training room/meeting rooms/offices
  • Fantasy camps
  • On-court shootarounds, on-ice bench tours
  • VIP acess to practice
  • Access to venue meeting rooms
  • Tours of student athlete academic centers
  • Field access for pre-game FGs
  • Unique opportunities to participate in halftime activities
  • Zamboni rides
  • Opportunities to throw pitches off the mound
  • Batting practice (on off-days)
  • Exclusive meet-n-greets with upper management/coaches
  • Post-game access to the field/court (to take pictures, etc.)
  • Press room access (for post-game interviews)

For more information on the batting practice opportunity at Fenway Park, please click here.

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