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Leverage T-Shirt Premiums to Drive Retail Traffic...

Are you looking for new ways to use sponsorships to drive store traffic? Are you looking for ways to take your game day giveaways to the next level?

Corporate partners searching for new ways to drive store traffic and reward consumers while doing so, should consider creating and distributing coupon t-shirts (as shown below).Brands could use coupon t-shirt as an effective measure to drive traffic to specific retail locations, trial of select products (e.g. Whopper below), and additional benefits.

Teams could collaborate with interested corporate partners by establishing a timeframe for the redemption offer (e.g. consumers could wear the t-shirt to receive a discount for the entire season, the day of/after all home games, during the playoffs, etc.). Corporate partners could implement such a promotional offer by featuring a printed bar code on each of the distributed shirts and alerting local retail managers of the program.

Creating coupon t-shirts would be a great way for brands to reward and drive trial/store traffic amongst students attending games. Fans seated in the student sections are often times drawn to capitvating promotional ideas that offer them direct benefits. Consider coupon t-shirts as just another way to help escape the in-stadium clutter and leverage sponsorships to reward fans!


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