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Celtics Fans Flock to the Ford Pick-Up Window...

Are you looking for new ways to integrate corporate partners? Are you looking to leverage an automobile partner?

The Boston Celtics teamed up with a participating Ford retailer to create the Ford Pick-Up Window at the TD Banknorth Garden. The select window, featuring the front of a Ford F-150 jetting out of the wall, provides fans with an unforgettable ticketing experience. The window serves as a memorable in-venue destination for fans and team personnel to to pick up/drop off Ticketmaster, team, and internal ticket reservations.

The concept of the Celtics' "Ford Pick-Up Window" is similar in fashion to the Toyota Pickup Center created by the Memphis Grizzlies organization in 2008. Congrats to both organizations for devising new, creative ways to tie corporate partners into the gameday experience in a way that benefits fans!

Source: Flickr photo courtesy of Aviad T

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