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    UPS Uses Airport Activation to Greet Beijing Olympics Travelers...

    Are you looking for new ways to leverage partnerships off-site? Are you looking for new ways to resonate with consumers?

    The United Postal Service (UPS) created a tremendous airport advertising campaignin airports across China in support of its status as the Official Logistics and Express Delivery Sponsor of the 2008 Beijing Olympics. Travelers picking up their belongings at baggage claim were met with an array of creative advertisements featuring UPS employees working in the heat of the moment at the Olympic games.

    The campaign was designed to demonstrate the company's commitment to doing business in China, where it employees 4,500 persons in Shanghai, Beijing, and Guangzhou alone. The company devoted the majority of its Beijing Olympics assets and resources to penetrate the China marketplace.

    Check out some of the creative ways UPS demonstrated its behind-the-scenes Olympics contributions and commitment to the citizens of China at airports across the country:

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