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    Leverage Electronics Partners In-Game...

    Are you looking for new ways to leverage electronics partners? Are you looking for new ways to entertain fans during periods of play?

    The Orlando Magic featured a humorous "Name that TV Tune" video board segment that served as a fan-favorite during games in the '08-09 season. The Magic created a few simple vignettes featuring players and dance team members trying to sing the words to a recognizable tune on their iPod (with iPod imagery in the background).

    The vignettes serve as a great way for sports organizations to integrate electronics retailers/manufacturers and music companies in a seamless, memorable in-game setting. Depending on the partner, properties can easily replace the iPod (featured in the videos below) with a state-of-the-art cell phone, computer, television (karaoke-style), or other device.

    Teams can even drive excitement in-arena by assigning participating players/dance team members to designated sections in-venue and rewarding the section of fans assigned to the player who sings the most correct lyrics with a free cd/song download (which can be distributed w/ voucher, picked up a Will Call, etc.)

    Check out the Orlando Magic's "Name that Tune" vignettes below:




    In 2009, the Magic organization introduced a humorous "Player Karaoke" vignette... Check it out below:

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