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Heineken Offers Hawks/Thrashers Fans an Ultimate Lounge Experience

Are you looking for new ways to leverage beverage partners? Are you looking to benchmark the finest in-venue destinations in sports?

In 2007, Heineken signed on with the Atlanta Spirit, an ownership group that owns and operates the Atlanta Hawks and Atlanta Thrashers, to create one of sports' ultimate in-venue destinations. The space, referred to as the Heineken Lounge, serves an ultimate lounge that has become a focal point in Philips Arena.

Heineken equipped the space with 63-inch plasma screens to entertain moderate-sized groups willing to pay a little extra for an ultimate game experience. While the Heineken Lounge is situated in the upper level of the arena, the space is a perfect setting for consumers to entertain friends and business clients at live sporting events and concerts.

Check out a video here and some pictures of the space below:



A special thanks to Brandi Burton of the Atlanta Spirit for her insights and contributions to this column.

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