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    Nike Goes Social with Billboard (and Kobe) in Johannesburg

    Nike continued its brilliant "Write the Future" World Cup marketing campaign by turning a Johannesburg skyscraper into an electric facade that highlights the voice of Nike supporters from around the world. Nike has created a Facebook site where fans can submit a 57-character inspirational headline for the soccer player they think will write the future.

    Each night, 100 fan-generated headlines are displayed across the interactive LED screen featured on the skyscraper, spanning 44m high x 42m wide x 30 stories high. The most popular and unique submissions are featured scrolling across the skyscraper, supported by a personal notification - a pretty amazing tactic that truly supports social media.

    Nike is bringing the skyscraper to life using vibrant LED lights that share the personalized headlines from fans. Check out the amazing interactive display below:

    Even Kobe Bryant took a moment to send a good luck message to the USA soccer team, as seen below (his message was "Break the game open. Shatter expectations."):

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