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    Rafael Nadal, Kia, and the Australian Open Team Up to Launch "The Open Drive"

    Kia is leveraging its designation as an Official Partner of the 2011 Australian Open by creating a feature called "The Open Drive" that features the WTA's finest stars participating in video interviews filmed inside the sporty Kia Optima.

    Kia filmed The Open Drive features with a state-of-the-art camera system that provides multiple camera angles of the tennis stars while they answer a series of questions presented via an iPad. Fans can suggest questions for the players to answer via Facebook/Twitter and can view the segments on the Official Australian Open website as well as

    The Open Drive feature serves as a terrific benchmark for tennis properties (and golf) to leverage automobile partners and engage players in new ways.

    Check out Rafael Nadal's appearance in The Open Drive to kick off the 2011 Australian Open below:

    For more information, check out a video overview of The Open Drive below:

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