Bridgestone and TPC Give Entourage Fans a Chance to Hit the Links

Sports organizations looking for new ways to align with entertainment entities should consider benchmarking a recent sweepstakes promotion that TPC and Bridgestone ran on the Official Facebook page of HBO's hit show Entourage.
To help drive buzz for the show's season premiere on Sunday, HBO officials were running a five (5) day sweepstakes on the show's Official Facebook fan page that gave all participants a chance to win some extremely amazing prizes.
On Wednesday, June 23rd, Bridgestone & TPC Golf Courses teamed up with HBO to feature a sweepstakes prize package on the fan page that offered consumers the chance to win a Professional Staff Bag autographed by Fred Couples, a set of Cavity Back Irons, and two (2) rounds of golf at any TPC Course (excluding transportation to and from). The winner of the sweepstakes will be announced live by Emmanuelle during the Live Stream event on Sunday at 8pm EST / 11pm PST, which will be made available live on Entourage Facebook page through a special application and on
The Facebook fan page cross-promotion served as a terrific way for the PGA Tour, Bridgestone, and TPC Officials to target a large segment of young male consumers. The Official Entourage Facebook fan page has attracted 1.6MM avid followers and is widely recognized as a terrific entertainment platform to reach the male demo. The PGA Tour also capitalized on the unique cross-promotional opportunity by having the Golf Channel feature a segment on it on Inside the PGA Tour.
Check out a visual of the promotional execution below: