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    Entries in fan autograph (1)


    10 Ways to Leverage Sharpie as a Corporate Partner

    Are you looking for new ways to leverage Sharpie as a corporate partner? Are you looking for new ways to provide fans a medium to have a voice?

    Check out ten (10) ways to leverage Sharpie below: 

    I. Sharpie Sign Creation Stations

    II. Fan Message Board / Signature Walls

    III. Video Board Feature Detailing the Art of an Autograph

    IV. Player/Legend Autograph Appearances

    V. Autographed Game Day Magazine Promotional Offer (via Jumbotron/PA)

    VI. Interactive Digital Autograph Display

    Teams can feature an interactive display in the concourse/OOH destinations where fans can practice their autograph on a basketball/football/tennis ball using a digital Sharpie pen

    VII. Giant Autograph Inflatables


    VIII. Personalized Photo Autographs via Email

     Click here for more information.


    IX. Autograph Ball Display

    X. In-Venue Autograph Booth