Lakers Fans Love Their "Virtual Burgers"...

Are you looking to implement a unique text message promotion that engages fans in-venue? Are you looking for a new way to leverage QSR partners?
The LosAngeles Lakers and Carl's Jr. recently partnered to create a unique "Virtual Burger" promotion that effectively captures the attention and interest of fans in-arena. Realizing that Carls Jr. consumers have a high propensity to use mobile technology, the team created a creative promotional feature that could soon become a staple in venues across the globe.
What exactly is the "Virtual Burger" promotion?
During a selected timeout of the 1st or 2nd quarter, the team features a video scoreboard text feature that asks arena fans to participate in a virtual burger eating contest by texting in their seating level to 525377. As texts are received from the designated seating levels (i.e. the upper or lower levels), a bite is taken from that level's designated burger, which is featured on the video screens on the center scoreboard.
The first level to eat their entire burger wins a bounce back text message with a special offer from the Carl's Jr. restaurant chain. Throughout the duration of the promotion, Carl's Jr. receives branding on the center scoreboard LED screens.
How else does Carl's Jr. leverage its relationship with the Lakers?
Carl's Jr. recently renewed its partnership with the Lakers organization through the 2010-2011 season. The two (2) parties leverage their relationship through radio, in-store promotions (Lakers-branded burger gift cards, bobbleheads, posters), and in-arena activation.
A special thanks to Blain Skinner of the Los Angeles Lakers organization for his insights and contributions to this column!
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