How Are You Connected?

AT&T recently launched its "How Are You Connected" Team USA Sweepstakes that enables eight (8) consumers to win a trip for two (2) to the Beijing Olympics in August - the trip includes airfare, hotel accomodations, tickets to marquee events, and a unique chance to meet some of America's finest Olympians.
How are consumers eligible to win?
From April 1st to May 30th, consumers can register for a chance to win on and/or text TeamUSA to 2008 from their AT&T wireless device. Participants can win by registering once per day and have an opportunity to earn a bonus entry by submitting an essay, uploading a photo, or posting a video with a short description of how they are connected to TeamUSA hopefuls on the AT&T website. One grand prize winner is recognized during each of the eight (8) weeks of the campaign.
Smaller promotional prizes include:
- Nintendo Wii consoles with "Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games" video game
- Team USA branded gear
- Autographed photos of Olympic Athletes
AT&T deems this the "ultimate once-in-a-lifetime, seemingly too-good-to-be-true-experience" - I wouldn't go that far... You might classify that as Buick's recent promotion dangling a chance to have Tiger Woods serve as your caddy. But this unique, high-rewards promotion does demonstrate AT&T's commitment to activate its Olympics corporate partnership. In total, AT&T spent nearly $172MM of its overall $805MM advertising budget on sports advertising (21.4%).
Outside of AT&T, who else is sponsoring the Olympics?
Worldwide Olympic Partners include: Coca-Cola, Atos Origin, GE, Johnson & Johnson, Kodak, Lenovo, Manulife, Mcdonalds, Omega, Panasonic, Samsung, and VISA
Beijing 2008 Partners include: Bank of China, CNC, Sinopec, CNPC, China Mobile, Volkswagen, Adidas, Johnson & Johnson, Air China, PICC, and State Grid (These partners pay $100MM+ to use the Olympic marks in China)
Sponsors include: UPS, Haier, Budweiser,, Tsingtao, Yanjing Beer, BHP Billiton
Exclusive Suppliers include: Staples, Schenker Logistics, etc.
BUT CAN YOU SAY CLUTTER? It is hard to maintain exclusivity when there is this much sponsor activity...
In total, sponsors have paid a total of $1.5BN in support of the Olympics...
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