Let Fans Shoot It Out For Charity!

In 2007, the Boston Celtics created "The Shamrock Shootout", an incredible event that allows participants the rare opportunity to shoot on the TD Banknorth Garden floor and compete for a chance to play against an All-Star team of Celtics legends in a halftime event. The best part? All money through the event benefits the Boston Celtics Shamrock Foundation. In 2007 alone, the team raised $250,000+ through the event.
How does the Shamrock Shootout work?
The Boston Celtics enable thirty-two (32) teams of five (5) participants the chance to test their basketball skills through an on-court competition:
- All five (5) team members have 45 seconds each to shoot five (5) basketballs from four (4) racks , for a possible score of 44
- Four (4) ball racks are placed at four designations: layup, free throw, foul line exended, and the three-point line
- The foul line extended and three-point line shots each have a "money ball" shot (4 points and 5 points respectively)
- All five (5) balls from each rack must be shot before advancing; the top 50% of teams advance to the next round
Registrants can either select to enter with a VIP Parquet Package ($10,000 donation) or a Sharp Shooters Package ($5,000 donation) - each have a range of benefits. The Celtics are also offering a "Play-In" event for teams to compete with a donation commitment of $1,000.
Prizes for the First Place Winning Team Include:
- The chance to compete at halftime during the Celtics-Hawks game
- The chance to "Travel with the Team" for a 2008-09 away game
- Recognition and a photograph in the Boston Globe
- Pre-game courtside seats plus a picture at center court
- Premium tickets to watch the Celtics-Hawks game
- 2008 adidas warmups
This is an incredible event that should serve as a benchmark for all organizations/University athletic departments looking to develop an event to raise money.
See a clip of the 2007 Shamrock Shootout event below:
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