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Cub Cadet Teams Up With LeBron To See Your Best Trick Shots...

lebron%20trick%20shot.jpgCub Cadet, a major sponsor of the Cleveland Cavaliers, has teamed up with LeBron James to launch a contest seeking America's best basketball trick shot. The promotion, entitled the Trick Shot Challenge, encourages consumers to upload their best basketball trick shot to for a chance to compete one-on-one with LeBron and win $5,000 of Cub Cadet lawn equipment.

Now the big question is... how does a "trick shot" promotion leverage Cub Cadet and their products outside of a $5,000 prize? That is a good question and one that I am still trying to figure out. However, the promotion does serve as a "best practice" in the way it leverages Cub Cadet's relationship with Lebron James:

  • Website that directly links Lebron James to the promotion
  • Chance for consumers to play one-on-one with LeBron (now that is a call to action!)
  • Registrants can also win $5,000 in cash or LeBron James merchandise

The promotion also is effective in the fact that it currently has me discussing the Cub Cadet brand, which I probably would have NEVER done otherwise. Contestants' trick shot videos will be available on the web site gallery where fans can view and vote for their favorite clips...

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