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Why Don't We See More Putting Contests?

Can you make a 20-foot putt?

Like most Americans, you probably think that you are a much better golfer than you actually are. Consumers always seem to gravitate to promotional concepts that they deem as "winnable". Like the 3-point shot, who doesn't think that they can win a putting contest? Although the promotion doesn't have a direct correlation to some sporting events, it does draw in a common interest of many fans in attendance.

This would serve as a unique way to tie in a big box retailer like Dick's Sporting Goods or The Sports Authority, who may be pushing golf products around the holidays or targeting a select group of consumers (i.e. 35-49 males with HHI of $75K+)

Here is a great example of a putting contest implemented at a Montana State basketball game that offered one (1) lucky contestant the chance to win $5,000! Check out the clip below...

Here is another example of an effectively implemented putting promotion...

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