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Taco Bell Freezes Phillies Fans in Their Steps...

tacobellfrozen.jpgFrom a sponsor perspective, are you looking to capture the attention of fans entering the stadium? Are you looking to leave a lasting impression on passerby consumers?

From a team perspective, are you looking for innovative ways to integrate sponsors outside your venue at minimal cost?

Taco Bell utilized the services of cannibalized flash mobs to promote its new Fruitista Freeze product offering recently at Citizens Bank Park, home of the Philadelphia Phillies. Taco Bell enlisted LevLane to hire actors costumed in iced-over beachwear with blue tinted skin to stand in a frozen position for hours as fans walked past to enter the stadium. Alongside these "frozen humans", a support team handed out coupons for the new, frozen tropical beverage and circulated further awareness in the parking lot.

This is an incredible idea, at minimal cost (labor expense), to leave a lasting impression on consumers... It directly translates back to a Escaping the Clutter - Frozen Awareness post I made in February on using persons "frozen in time" to generate awareness for your brand at stadium venues...

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