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Are You Looking to Gain the Support of Consumers Nationwide?

jim%20beam.jpgAre you looking to win over consumers to drive your product sales? Are you looking to drive the affinity that consumers have for your brand? Then make your brand stand for something, which is exactly what Jim Beam is doing with its new campaign, "Save Our Ballpark Name" -

Jim Beam's Save Our Ballpark Name" campaign centers around the push to keep the Wrigley Field name intact. Beam has taken the position as the voice of the consumers (Cubs fans, Chicago natives, traditional sports fans, and consumers across the globe) to end the thought of selling the naming rights to Wrigley Field. 

This really is an innovative promotional concept. Why? Because Jim Beam has found an innovative way to leverage the power of its brand to serve as the voice of consumers across the globe. The campaign is all about the voice of the people (Beam's brand has taken a "supporting" role) but this is such a smart play for Beam because they are driving considerable brand awareness and hopefully in their case, brand affinity.

On the campaign's page, Beam takes a backseat and really places the issue and consumers' opinions at the forefront by explaining the issue, offering an online petition, letting consumers voice their opinions, and providing the latest news. Beam is going to support its online movement by featuring the campaign on a billboard that overlooks Wrigley and distributing t-shirts and bumper stickers to consumers.

If you have a moment, check out the promotion and sign the petition to keep the Wrigley Field name intact!

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