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Capitalize on High Gas Prices...

Are you looking to create an effective promotion that capitalizes on high gas prices? The Milwaukee Brewers have been running a promotion in 2007-08 that has proved... Too Successful.

The Milwaukee Brewers collaborated with team partner BP to create a "C'Mon Back Card" promotion. The team offered one (1) free Terrace Level ticket at select Brewers home games during the season for consumers who made six (6) purchases of eight (8) gallons of gas or more at participating BP Gas Stations. Consumers are given a card that they get stamped as validation of their purchase each time they fill up. Fans have the option of using the $13 voucher towards a ticket in an upgraded seating section should they want a better view of the field.

The problem? Too many fans have decided to partake in the promotion. The Brewers had to deny some fans trying to receive free tickets for the team's home games on August 8th and August 19th. The Brewers are offering four (4) more "C'Mon Back Card" promotional nights for the rest of the season. If the team is unlikely to fulfill consumer demand, it will likely issue free tickets to a game next season/

Note: Fans have the option of either mailing in their completed gift cards (with receipts) to the Milwaukee Brewers Ticket office or presenting them on-site. However, the team encourages fans to place their request well in advance of the day of the desired game due to high demand for the promotion.

This promotion is great because it is so simple, yet so effective! Find a way to benchmark it for your organization!

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