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Jack in the Box and the Lakers Create Taco Frenzy in LA...

Are you looking to take your in-game promotions to the next level?

Free tacos have become a phenomenon in Los Angeles thanks to the collaborative efforts of the Los Angeles Lakers organization and Jack in the Box. Taco frenzy in LA began in 2006-07, when Jack in the Box partnered with the Lakers to distribute a coupon for two (2) free tacos to all fans in attendance each time the team wins and holds its opponents under 100 points at home.

While promotions based on team performance (when the team scores XX points, fans win XXX) have become common in the sports marketplace, few have garnered the level of media attention that the Lakers-Jack in the Box promotion has received. The promotion has been discussed by Ryan Seacrest on his weekly radio show, has become a hit with online bloggers, and has even made its way into the Lakers locker room. Lakers head coach Phil Jackson has used the taco promotion as a motivational tool for his players to play better defense and has made taco references during post-game interviews.

Over the past few seasons, the promotion has absolutely taken off. Jack in the Box even took the promotion to the next level by teaming up with Fox Sports West and the Lakers to create "We Want Tacos" t-shirts as a giveaway to all fans in attendance at a select game.

"We Want Tacos" chants have become a tradition at Lakers games (as seen in the clip below)...Someone please tell Lakers fans that two (2) regular tacos only cost $0.99 at Jack in the Box.

The "We Want Tacos" promotionhas become a cult-like obsession with Lakers fans seated in the upper bowl at the Staples Center...


But what happens when Lakers fans don't get their tacos? A chorus of boos and plenty of media coverage... Check out a clip of the action below:

A special thanks to Blain Skinner and his team of personnel at the Los Angeles Lakers organization for their insights and contributions to this column.

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