The Quad City Mallards Put Hardee's In Goal...

Are you looking for new inventory to sell interested corporate partners? Are you looking for new ways to leverage QSR partners in the hockey space?
As Sarah Talalay reported in the Sun Sentinel, the Quad City Mallards of the International Hockey League (IHL) recently announced that it is teaming up with Hardee's to create a "Hardee's Biscuit in the Basket" promotion that rewards fans when the home team scores.
The Mallards have placed a Hardee's logo inside the ice in the goal and will reward fans in a selected row of seats with a coupon for a free biscuit each time the Mallards score a goal during the 2009-10 season. If the team scores four (4) goals, everyone in a designated section will receive biscuits.
On Monday mornings throughout the season, Mallards players will make one (1) hour guest appearances at several Hardees locations throughout Davenport. The QSR chain will also sponsor the team's dance squad (The Hardee's QC Cuties) and also support several giveaway nights (Drawstring Bag Night, Team Fleece Blanket Night, Game Puck Giveaway Night).
Check out Hardee's exclusive branding inside the goal below:
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