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Chalk Up a Promotional Victory for Nike and the Cavs...

Are you looking for new ways to integrate corporate partners? Are you looking for ways to capitalize on pre-game rituals of your team's star players?

On Christmas Day, Nike and the Cleveland Cavaliers teamed up to offer all fans in attendance a chance to join LeBron James while he completed his pre-game ritual throwing chalk into the air. As fans entered the Quicken Loans Arena, Nike distributed an exclusive "WITNESS" confetti chalk pack with instructions on how and when to throw.

Just prior to tipoff, Nike successfully created a reenactment of its "LeBron Six-Chalk Edition" television commercial when thousands of Cavaliers fans joined LeBron James with the infamous chalk throw at press row. The promotion scored a lot of media attention and served as a great way for Nike to let fans live in the moment and experience something really special.

Nike complementedits distribution of confetti chalk packs by shooting 1,000 limited edition 12.25.08 Nike WITNESS t-shirts into the stands. The Cavaliers supported this by offering a special gift-with-purchase promotion that enabled Cavaliers fans to receive a 12.25.08 WITNESS shirt with the purchase of $50+ of Nike product in the Cavaliers Team Shop or on

Check out the promotional execution below:

A special thanks to alex Vitanye of the Ohio University Sports Administration Program for his insights and contributions to this column!

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