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The Brewers Look to the Dollar Menu to Deliver Value...

Are you looking to make your events more affordable for fans? Are you looking for new ways to spike concessions sales?

The Milwaukee Brewers are responding to the concerns of their cash-strapped fans by recently announcing that they will offer a $1 menu concession stand at Miller Park during the 2009 season. The stand, which will not be open for every game during the season (including the team's season opener against the Chicago Cubs), will offer hot dogs, a 12-ounce soda,a 24-ounce tub of popcorn, a small ice cream cone, and a large cookie all for $1 apiece.

The Brewers can afford to offer such a deal because the team's ticket sales initiative has been so strong heading into 2009 - the team reached one (1) million tickets sold faster than at any other time in team history (despite the current economic decisions).

The dollar menu initiative is a great way for the team to sincerely demonstrate its appreciation of the commitment the team's fans have shown in the past few months despite all of the economic hardships. However, Brewers fans looking to capitalize on this great value can expect long lines throughout the season with the team slated to only offer one (1) stand for consumers to take advantage of at Miller Park.

With the 2009 baseball season set to begin in just a few days, expect the Brewers' dollar menu initiative to be modeled throughout the industry. The San Diego Padres recently announced that they will be offering a "Five for $5" concessions initiative in 2009 where consumers can receive a regular hot dog, a 22-ounce soda, a medium bag of popcorn, a small bag of peanuts, and a large cookie for just $5 (providing $8-$10 in savings for consumers). Check back for more price point promotions being implemented by MLB teams at the concessions stand!

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