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Entries in Promotions / In-Venue Activation (180)


Entertain Fans with Guinness World Record Attempts...

Are you looking for new ways to entertain fans between periods? Is your organization looking for new ways to break records throughout the season?

With the common understanding that fans love to see records be broken, has your organization consider ways that fans and/or players could attempt to set Guinness World Records during halftime/between periods?

For example,soccer organizations can look up and attempt to break/set records for:

  • Most Touches in 1 Minute (Male/Female)
  • Most Touches in One Minute with Head (Male/Female)
  • Most Touches in 30 Seconds
  • Most Goals Scored in One Minute
  • Most Saves in One Minute

Where has this been done? Members of the 2008 NBA All-Star team attempted to set a Guiness World Record for the most halfcourt shots made in one (1) minute during a practice session. Check out the clips below:


Alta Targets New Skiers With "Ski Free After 3" Promotional Campaign...

Are you looking for new ways to leverage your brand's ski resort partnership? Are you looking for new ways to reward consumers participating in winter sports?

The Alta Ski resort, located in Alta, Utah, has implemented a unique promotional offer over the past six years that has attracted the likes of thousands of new participants. The resort offers a "Ski Free After 3" promotion that enables consumers of all ages to come out to the resort and use the ski lift for FREE from 3:00pm-4:30pm every day of the season.

The result? Over 10,000 skiers participate in the program each year, including many first-timers. With the resort charging just $9 for ski equipment rentals after 2pm, the promotion enables many families to come experience the sport skiing in a fun, affordable way. In addition, the promotion serves as an effective way for the resort to convert beginners into skiing enthusiasts and can potentially help the resort secure long-term business should consumers find their first-time skiing experience to be a memorable one (and return yearupon year with their families).

Ski resorts tepid of creating such a promotional offer can consider bringing a corporate partner on board to underwrite any financial risks. Companies looking to connect and give back to the community may find that serving as the Presenting Sponsor of such an offer is the perfect way to reach families, young consumers, and tap into the local skiing community.


The Colts Offer Their Fans An Unforgettable Photo Experience...

Is your organization looking for new ways to provide unforgettable experiences for your fanbase? Is your team looking for new revenue generating ways to reward suite holders?

During Sunday's game against the Tennessee Titans, the Indianapolis Colts brought the Lombardi Trophy around to each of the suites at Lucas Oil Stadium. Fans watching the game in the suites had the opportunity to have their pictures taken while holding the trophy, a memorable experience!

The Colts organization featured a photographer on-site to capture the moment. The Colts then offered the pictures for fans to purchase online on different products (mugs, mousepads, prints, etc.). Who wouldn't want to go online and purchase a customized item with your picture taken with the Lombardi trophy? Like most other organizations, the Colts also feature photographers throughout Lucas Oil Stadium on gameday to take general pictures of fans that they can purchase online.

When suite renewals come around, it's guaranteed that all Colts suite holders will remember this once-in-a-liftime moment they were able to experience with their guests!

A special thanks to Bryan Kryder for his insights and contributions to this column...


Wake Forest Athletics Rewards the Last Fan Sitting...

Is your organization looking to create a unique promotional campaign for fans?

The folks in the Wake Forest University Athletics Department recently announced a unique "Last Fan Sitting" promotion offering fans the chance to win season tickets for 15 years (a $22,000 value).

The athletics department is asking fans to come sit in a designated area of the stands at BB&T Field on January 4, 2009 for the chance to win the Football Seat Rights prize. The last fan sitting (mind you, it will be cold) will win four (4) Football Seat Rights for the entire 15-year term. The location of the seats will be determined when the winner selects first in the second year Football Seats Rights selection process.

To be eligible to win (and participate in the promotion on January 4th), fans must go online to the WFU Athletics website and download and submit a registration form and waiver to the Deacon Club by January 2nd, 2009 and/or call for additional information at 336.758.6019

The "15-year reward" drives awareness for the athletic department's Football Seat Rights program, which allows fans to lock in a seat at BB&T Field for 15, 20, or 25 years by making a one-time per-seat donation to current and future Athletic Department capital projects.


Reebok Creates an Incentive for Fans to Find Their Logo...

Are you looking for aunique way to drive extra attention towards your brand?

Reebok recently announced that it is offering a "Lost Logo Challenge" promotion for all fans attending the upcoming NHL Winter Classic on New Year's Day and viewers watching the action at home (as reported by Terry Lefton in the 12.8.08 Sports Business Journal). The "Lost Logo Challenge" is a watch-and-win promotion that rewards fans who can spot the lone player without a Reebok logo on his jersey.

What are the prizes at stake? All entries with the name of the correct player will be entered into a random drawing for the chance to win one (1) of two (2) four-person trips to the Stanley Cup Finals. Television viewerscan enter the promotion by entering online while fans in-venue will be given Reebok branded binoculars and asked to text in their entries.

The "Lost Logo Challenge" promotion was created to effectively drive attention to the Reedbok-made retro jerseys that the Chicago Blackhawksand Detroit Red Wings will be wearing. Reebok is hoping to capitalize on jersey and merchandise sales stemming from the event, which includes outerwear, fleeces, caps, gloves, and scarves. Reebok is anticipating that the promotion will also solidify its position as an authentic NHL sponsor.

This is a great promotion that will bottom line results and incremental media attention for the Reebok brand!


Cavs Fans "Check Up" On Their Favorite Players...

Is your organization looking to create a video board vignette in support of a health care partner? Are you looking for new ways to drive health care awareness and messaging?

The Cleveland Cavaliers collaborated with the Cleveland Clinic to create a unique "Cavs Check-Up" feature that the team aired during select games. The "Cavs Check-Up" provides fans with a unique look at some of the humorous personalities and rare attributes of the players on the Cavaliers roster. The messaging resonates with fans, as it's a rare side of the players that can sometimes go unseen during the spirit of competition.

The vignette could do more to push the Cleveland Clinic's services, but it does promote the health care partner's brand in a subtle way. Check out the two (2) clips below to get a feel for how the Cavaliers leveraged the Cleveland Clinic brandto createa humorous "Cavs Check-Up" feature:


The RoadRunners Take Care of Business...

Are you looking to drive business leads for your organization?

The Phoenix RoadRunners recently held a "For a Good Time... We're Taking Care of Business" promotion designed to drive business leads for the organization. For two (2) games this season, the RoadRunners organization offered consumers the chance to purchase $20 seatsfor just $5 when trading in their business card at theteam's box office.

To drive consumer interest, the team also offered a Special Business Card drawing during the 3rd period for a free all-inclusive group night for the winner's company at a future RoadRunners game. The team offered the promotion when the team faced off against the Las Vegas Wranglers (11/18) and the Bakersfield Condors (11/19).

The team drove online awareness and buzz for the promotional night by creating a Facebook page that included additional details.

This promotion came on the heels of the New Jersey Nets creating a business-related ticket strategy of their own. The Nets offered any unemployed fans up to four (4) tickets for submitting their resume to the team's November 22nd job career fair at the Izod Center.

The Nets organization was willing to make 300 tickets available for each of five (5) selected Nets home games to drive consumer excitement. Nets Chief Executive Brett Yormark believes in investing in people now who might invest in the team later... The team will repeat the promotional offer next year if it's deemed a succes... A great promotional tactic!

A special thanksto Bill Faganfor hisinsights and contributions tothis column.


Lakers Fans Love Their "Virtual Burgers"...

Are you looking to implement a unique text message promotion that engages fans in-venue? Are you looking for a new way to leverage QSR partners?

The LosAngeles Lakers and Carl's Jr. recently partnered to create a unique "Virtual Burger" promotion that effectively captures the attention and interest of fans in-arena. Realizing that Carls Jr. consumers have a high propensity to use mobile technology, the team created a creative promotional feature that could soon become a staple in venues across the globe.

What exactly is the "Virtual Burger" promotion?

During a selected timeout of the 1st or 2nd quarter, the team features a video scoreboard text feature that asks arena fans to participate in a virtual burger eating contest by texting in their seating level to 525377. As texts are received from the designated seating levels (i.e. the upper or lower levels), a bite is taken from that level's designated burger, which is featured on the video screens on the center scoreboard.

The first level to eat their entire burger wins a bounce back text message with a special offer from the Carl's Jr. restaurant chain. Throughout the duration of the promotion, Carl's Jr. receives branding on the center scoreboard LED screens.

How else does Carl's Jr. leverage its relationship with the Lakers?

Carl's Jr. recently renewed its partnership with the Lakers organization through the 2010-2011 season. The two (2) parties leverage their relationship through radio, in-store promotions (Lakers-branded burger gift cards, bobbleheads, posters), and in-arena activation.

A special thanks to Blain Skinner of the Los Angeles Lakers organization for his insights and contributions to this column!


Fans Enjoy Pitchers of Beer at Games in Cologne...

When attending sporting events, do you wish you were getting more bang for your buck at the concessions stand? Do you feel that sports organizations are ripping you off when you pay $7.00 for a beer inside the stadium/arena gates?

TheLanxess Arenain Cologne, Germany offers its fanbase an alternative concessions experience. Instead of having fans leave their seats throughout the game to purchase more beverages, the arena (formerly the Kolnarena) sells beer to fans in pitchers. Yes, full pitchers of beer at a time. The arena even promotes pitcher purchases by featuring pitcher holders on each of the chairbacks (check out the pictures below).

While this practice could not be implemented in the United States due to various alcohol restrictions, it is very interesting to see sports organizations from across the globe implement various processes to spur beverage sales in-venue!


Bloomington PrairieThunder Score with "Goals for Gas" Promotion

Is your organization looking for a way to capitalize on high gas prices?

The Bloomington PrairieThunder of the International Hockey League (IHL) created a "Goals for Gas" promotion that is paying huge dividends with fans. The team partnered with FS Fast Shop gasoline stations in Bloomington, IL to provide fans with two (2) cents off per gallon (for up to10 gallons) per goal on their gas purchase each time the team scores during games played at home.

Thus, if the Prairie Thunder score four (4) goals in a home game, fans receive eight (8) cents off a gallon of gas for up to 10 gallons during a 24-hour period after the stated time and date on the game ticket. Consumers simply have to show their game ticket to the gas station attendant to receive the promotionals discount, but are limited to one (1) discount per game. The team is also offering a drawing at each of its games played at the U.S. Cellular Coliseum where fans can have the chance to win a $500 gas card.

While 80 cents (off a $50 expense at the pump) may not appear to be an impactful offer, discounts on gas seem to have a different impact on consumers than traditional offers at retail... consumers gravitate to the fact that they have a chance to win the price war at the pump. Properties can consider implementing similar promotions for basketball (field goals for gas) and racing (laps for gas).