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    Entries in rudy gay (1)


    The Grizzlies Sell Tickets with a Holiday Twist

    Are you looking for new ways to drive ticket sales during the month of December? Are you looking for ways to engage fans around the holidays?

    The NBA's Memphis Grizzlies created a terrific elf animated video to help drive ticket sales during the Holiday season. The team is hosting the video and details on exclusive ticket packages on the microsite,

    In the video, the Grizzlies feature stars Rudy Gay, OJ Mayo, Marc Gasol, and Zach Randolph who use a little holiday jingle to help Grizzlies fans get in the mood to buy some tickets. Check out the Grizzlies' Holiday Gift Pack campaign below and stay tuned for more details on who helped them create this unique ticket sales driving piece!

    Source: SportsBusiness Daily