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    UK Goes Barnstorming

    uk2.jpgWhen marketers are trying to think creatively about a way to drive awareness for their brand, they often resort to reliable brainstorming strategies. Looking to build the Wildcat brand, the University of Kentucky developed the "Barn Storming Cats" program, an outdoor viral messaging campaign.  The Barn Storming Cats initiative reaches out to UK loyalists throughout the state owning barns situated in high traffic areas. UK athletics offers these persons free tickets to a UK men's basketball game of their choice in exchange for the ability to brand their barn with a UK logo and the slogan, "Go Big Blue!".  UK also provides barn donors with UK paraphernalia and recognition in numerous UK Athletics publications.

    The program has proven to be a huge success and is a very efficient and effective way to drive the Wildcat brand throughout the state of Kentucky! For more information, refer to the UK athletics webpage.

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