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The Ultimate Father-Son Promotion...

gilletechampions.jpgGillette recently announced a unique promotion that offers five (5) lucky consumers the chance to compete with their fathers against three (3) of the world's greatest athletes. The promotion, "Play a Champion with Dad", supports the Gillette Champions platforms and pins consumers up against the likes of either Tiger Woods, Roger Federer, or Thierry Henry.

This promotion serves as a great way for Gillette to link its generations of consumers and provide a boost of sales momentum leading into Father's Day. Gillette aims to create lasting memories for the five (5) participants, who will share an incredible experience with their loved ones. The grand prize winners will receive airfare, multi-night trip accomodations, $1,000 in cash, and the opportunity to meet one of their favorite stars. Gillette is also supporting the promotion with thousands of instant prizes.

I foresee many more promotions down the pipeline that take a similar approach in offering fans the chance to win a unique experience with a close family member/friend... it only makes sense for services/products that weigh heavily on buying behaviors being passed down through the family!

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