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Looking for Help with Recaps? Use These Two Tools...

Are you looking for help on your recaps? Are you searching everywhere for pictures that capture client activation? Are you looking for new ways to present stadium layouts?

If so, take a moment to check out the two (2) tools listed below...

flickr.jpgFlickr ( - Flickr is a website that serves as a community for general consumers to post pictures of events they attend, etc. If you have a minute to check out the site, use the “Search” function to see if there are any photos that you could pull to enhance your recaps, etc. Your best bet may be to use simple search terms (Miller Lite vs. Miller Lite racing) and then quickly scroll through the photos… There are some great consumer engagement photos and you may be able to capture some additional photos of signage, personalities, and competitor footprints.

  • Flickr is the most popular stand-alone photo site - It grew 56% in the past year and had 44.4MM global visitors in March. The site currently has 26MM members.
  • Other photo sites include: Picasa Web Albums, Photobucket, ImageShack, and Fotolog... but Flickr is by far and away the best! 

google%20earth.jpgGoogle Earth ( - Google Earth is an incredible tool to use for providing detailed layouts of venues, footprints, etc. Download Google Earth by clicking the link above and navigate through the program using keywords (address, names of places, etc.) and then do a screen shot (using the Print Screen function) and cut and paste the image into Paint. Once in Paint, select the area that you would like to submit into your document and cut and paste. To reduce file size of your picture (which is normally 2-4MB), make sure that you use the Compress Picture function.

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