How Long Are Your Fans Waiting In Line?

When was the last time you took into consideration how long your fans were having to wait in line for concessions? Or at the ticket/Will Call booths? Or inside your team gift shop? Or the bathroom?
Have you created any solutions to help justify this issue? Or considered the fact that a fans displeasure for waiting in line could directly affect their overall game experience, especially if they happen to miss a big play?
The reason that I propose these questions i because M/A/R/C Research* recently released a report that states:
- Overall, customers are staisfied (79% extremely/very satisfied) with an average wait time of about four (4) minutes or less
- Optimal wait time varies slightly by store/service category, but satisfaction decreases drastically as wait times increase above four minutes
- Generally, older consumers ages 45-64 are more satisfied with wait times when compared to younger consumers ages 25-44
- Long wait times can impact a store's bottom line (concessions in this case). Approximately 10% of customers state that they will forgo a purchase if the line is too long. In fact, 43% of consumers state that long lines aftter their decisions to shop at specific places/locations
As a result, teams should begin to consider a number of alternatives to entertain and distract consumers while they wait in line for purchase. Tactics can include:
- Equip staffers with a pocket full of coupons, free samples or other goodies they can give to shoppers as a thank-you while they are waiting in line or providing feedback on their game experience
- Interactive brand experiences; creative branding
- Cheerleader/dancer/mascot appearances
- Photo opportunities (companies like PictureU offer capabilities for fans to have a picture taken on a digital camera that is very similar to "green screen" technology)
- Offer premiums (courtesy of concessions, corporate partners) to fans while waiting in line
- Offer technology (Kangaroo television handsets, iPods where fans can listen to team music/watch team highlights) featuring informative and entertaining content
- Enable persons seated in certain sections to make handmade signs, etc.
- Product trial (food, drinks, etc.)
*June 2008 M/A/R/C Research Report (Measure - A Measurement of the Retail Experience). This particular survey measured the impact length of check out times have on store sales.
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