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Nike Shines with "Show Your Five" Campaign...

Are you looking to promote a grassroots soccer tournament? Are you looking for a unique way to relate professional sports to the games played by everyday children on the streets?

In February, Nike released a tremendous online campaign designed to peak consumer interest in their  "Show Your Five" soccer tournament being hosted across Europe. The tournament, marking Nike's largest brand push in Europe in the past decade, features teams of the best footballers in Europe competing against one another in a 5v5 match.

Nike's Show Your Five tournament website features an array of interactive features for soccer enthusiasts to enjoy, including:

  • Mash Up Your Game - A feature that lets consumers create their own highlight videos
  • Show Your Music - A feature that lets consumers check out the official bands of the tournament
  • The New Zoom CT - Shows product attributes of the brand's new footwear
  • A variety of videos stemming
  • Event / Venue details

To drive buzz for the tournament, Nike featured Wayne Rooney and Joe Cole competing alongside skilled amateur footballers in an urban-style match. Check out the clip below:

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