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The United Scout Seats Experience at U.S. Cellular...

Are you looking to provide fans with an ultimate ballpark experience? Are you searching for ways to add detail to a sponsor's branded section at the ballpark?

Over the past few years, the Chicago White Sox and United Airlines have teamed up to offer fans the chance to sit in the best seats in the house, the United Scout Seats. For the right price, White Sox fans can enjoy a memorable day at the ballpark, with a front row experience directly behind home plate at U.S. Cellular Field and a variety of first-class amenities, including: 

  • A private lounge for entertaining clients and guests
  • Premium reserved parking outside of Gate 3
  • A premium buffet in a private lounge with all beverages included
  • Private access to the best seat locations in the park
  • A full-service wait staff for food and beverages
  • Comfortable, wide seats
  • Invitations to exclusive White Sox events

Here is a quick, visual tour of the United Scout Seats experience:

Source: Berklieblog on

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