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    Create an Element of Suspense With A Mystery Fan Rewards Box

    As teams and corporate partners look for new ways to escape stadium clutter and engage fans on-site, they should consider benchmarking a recent marketing stunt implemented by a travel company in France.

    The company,, created a giant mystery rewards box in a crowded marketplace that rewarded consumers who walked up to the machine, indicated where they would love to travel to in the world, and pressed a button, with a huge celebration (and a trip).

    Teams could work with a select corporate partner (airline, cpg, beverage company, etc.) to create a scaled down version that rewards fans with a variety of items - similar to the Coca-Cola Happiness machine. Teams could allow 100 fans per game to reap rewards from the Mystery Fan Rewards Box, with one interaction being shown on the video board. Rewards could range from premium items to tickets to VIP experiences.

    Check out's execution below and consider new ways that you can create an "element of suprise and instant gratification" for fans on game day!

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