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Entries in gatorade (2)


An Inside Look at the Gatorade G Series Mobile Locker Room

Are you looking for new ways to reach young student-athletes? Are you looking for ways to bring sports experiences to life for fans?

Gatorade recently launched a pretty impressive G Series Mobile Locker Room that will tour the nation and visit (8) handpicked high schools between March and May 2010. Here, students will be given a first-hand experience where they can test new G Series products and experience a once in a lifetime opportunity.

To drive excitement for the mobile locker room in the HS community, Gatorade is offering fans the chance to submit a photo and description of the ultimate high school locker room ritual on the Gatorade Facebook fan page for the chance to have the G Series Mobile Locker Room come to their school and win a $500 gift card. 

The G Series Mobile Locker Room is a state-of-the-art facility and fully functional locker room that features lockers of Gatorade's prime athlete endorsers. Check out some photos of the mobile display here:



Photo Source: Pro Motion, Inc. Flickr Page 


The 10 Best Sports Billboard Themes of 2009

Partnership Activation has compiled a top 10 list of the best sports billboard themes of 2009. The deck is filled with a collection of tremendous out-of-home marketing ideas that will help you grow your brand. With billboards becoming an integral part of the marketing mix, this is a must-see! 

Hint: to be able to see the deck clearly, click "Full" in the menu bar below the powerpoint below - If you would like to download a copy of the presentation, please click HERE.