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Entries in gatorade bears (1)


Could We See The Gatorade Shower Reinvented Virally?

As Gatorade begins to experience an early pickup in sales after taking a drastic blow during the recession, it would be very refreshing to see the brand breathe new life by releasing a set of viral videos that feature professional football players giving Gatorade showers to unsuspecting consumers in public settings.

The company is currently dedicating a significant amount of attention to its varieties brands, "Prime" and "Recover" and educating consumers about the benefits of drinking Gatorade before and after workouts. To help drive home this message, it would be terrific to see the company release a set of virals that feature ordinary gym-goers getting drenched with a Gatorade shower by a group of professional athletes after finishing an arduous workout.

Where did this thinking originate from?

The Chicago Bears recently teamed up with Gatorade to film a terrific commercial that supports the team's marketing strategy of "One City, One Team". In the spot, Bears linemen Tommie Harris and Anthony Adams gave a Gatorade shower to an unsuspecting reporter who acted as a good samaritan earlier by picking up a piece of trash. The spots are humorous, effectively tie a natural element from football sidelines across the nation to every day settings, and could definitely be a huge hit in the social media marketplace.

Check out two videos below that capture the photo shoot that the Chicago Bears recently shot with Gatorade at Chase Plaza.
