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Entries in Marketing Tactics (286)


On the Fast Track to Targeted Print Marketing...

newspaper.jpgSports marketers continuously look for the most efficient means to spend their dollars. Print, radio, and television options have evolved to include outdoor, digital, mobile, and other new forms of marketing mediums. But how can we use these new technological means to become more efficient in targeting consumers?

Read more here.


Are you Doing Anything to Reach Your Fans at Retail?

As marketers and sponsorship reps, we seem to place too much emphasis on the fans attending the games... But what are we doing to capture the thousands of individuals in our hometown markets who cannot afford a ticket or experience the thrill of the action in-venue?

I want to turn your attention to the Resources tab (in the left column), where you can access a document I posted called the Miller Power Play. The basic premise of the Miller Power Play is everytime the home team scores a power play goal, a 10:00 clock is activated on television sets throuhgout the arena, offering fans a select period to purchase an alcoholic beverage at a discounted priced. When the team scores, fans win. What is powerful about this interactive promotion is that it has retail applications. Restaurants/bars that have sponsorship ties to the team can also activate a 10:00 clock in their retail locations, offering fans seated in the bar a discount on an alcoholic beverage (in states that permit alcohol promotions). When the team wins, fans win. Who doesn't like the sound of that idea?

The Miller Power Play white paper and powerpoint go into much greater detail, so please check it out when you have a moment.

For those of you selling in the college space, this type of "interactive retail promotion" can also be applied at QSR's (everytime the team scores, consumers in-store could purchase a Whopper at a discounted price), automobile parts stores (O'Reilly's, AutoZone, etc.), C-Stores (7-Eleven, Circle K, etc.), and casual dining locations (Zaxby's, Dairy Queen Grill & Chill).

Remember the fans that cannot make it in the stadium to see the action... They have buying power too!



Marketing Through Athlete Blogs?

phil%20hughes.jpgThere was an interesting article today in Sports Business Daily (2.26.08) about Yankees P Phil Hughes. Alongside Curt Schilling, Hughes is leading the charge of MLB players who have chosen to launch their own personal websites. While some use their websites as information portals, Hughes has taken his efforts to the next level.

Who is Phil Hughes anyway? Well, that is a question that we might like to ask the 340,000 people who have visited his site in the past month.

Read more here.


What Signals are Consumers Showing Corporate Marketers in Tough Economic Times?

consumers.jpgThe Delaney Report (2.18.2008) featured a great article on consumer reaction to economic troubles. Here are a few excerpts from the article:

"The economy is decelerating (in the U.S. at a faster pace than elsewhere). Companies are continuing to reduce costs. Inventory is building up. Shipments are falling. But it's the consumer that is causing the greatest anxiety among marketers this year. In the past, consumers could be relied on to bolster a sagging economy. Consumers who were unafraid to spend and had easy credit at their disposal. But consumers now are anxious and cautious. Last week, a consumer-confidence survey reported that consumer confidence was at a 14-year low."

"Marketers, as a result, are under more pressure than ever before to find growth. A sports analogy might be useful. Just as sports fans want to be associated with teams that are winners, consumers want to be associated with "winning brands". Brands that will make them feel better about themselves. Give them a reason to smile. But marketing a "winner" brand takes work.

"Find the one thing that you differentiate the brand with and don't waver from it or the consumers will get confused. And then find a way to reach your audience in the most efficient way possible."


Marketing FREAKOUT!!!

Looking to capitalize on others' success to drive awareness for your organization?

Look no further than the Whopper "Freakout" Campaign. Most organizations could stage a similar campaign outside their ticket offices where they tell consumers that their Will Call tickets (or season tickets) are not available for the biggest game of the year... The reactions would be outrageous and would make for a great viral campaign!

See one of the Whopper "Freakout" commercials below:


An Ultimate Tailgate Weekend... In an RV?

Motorhome.jpgWhat Do SEC Football and NASCAR Weekends Have in Common?

  1. Scarcity of Premium Tickets (unless you are at Vanderbilt)
  2. An Abundance of RV's
  3. A Passionate, Loyal Fanbase Seeking Unique Experience 

Creating a package that capitalizes on these three (3) variables together can generate some very high returns for a property.

Read More:

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