October 2011 Partnership Activation 2.0 Newsletter

Welcome to the October 2011 Partnership Activation 2.0 Newsletter! Thank you for your continued interest and support for Partnership Activation and the monthly newsletter.
Here is a link to the October 2011 Partnership Activation 2.0 Newsletter.
After reviewing the newsletter, please take a moment to share it with friends via email, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, personal blogs, and other platforms and modes of communication. Here is a shortened URL that you can use to include in tweets, etc: http://bit.ly/rmRwRk
This month's newsletter features a collection of insights, including:
- A List of the Top Paid Global Athletes in 2011
- SportShadow.com
- Adidas' New Marathon Face Cam
- Best Practices from the National Hockey League
- The Tampa Bay Lightning's New Microchip Technology
- Navigate Marketing Spotlight: The Impact of Conference Movement on College Sponsorships
- Adidas' New UEFA Ultimate Access Campaign
- Heineken Starvision
- Tottenham Hotspur's New Augmented Reality Offerings
- Iowa State's Social Billboard Campaign
- BMW Mini's London 2012 Olympics PR Stunt
- Activ8Social's #Sports Newsletter
- Creativity in the Sports Marketplace
- October 2011 Partnership Activation Rising Stars
- Mastercard's Witnessing History Social Media Campaign
- Creating Powerful Marketing Messages Using Statistics
- A Close Look at the 2011 MLB Playoffs
- 5 #SportsBiz Twitter Handles You Must Follow
- The NFL's Breast Cancer Awareness Efforts
- Manchester City FC's Family Zone Activation
- The Portland Timbers' 2012 Fan Draft
- Women and Kids Invade Istanbul Soccer
- The Tampa Bay Lightning Use Coils to Create Lightning In-Arena
- Audi Lets Fans See What Life of a Le Mans Driver Is Like
- Creatively Using Time Lapses in Sports
- The Throwable Panoramic Ball
This month I want to encourage you to consider checking out Navigate Marketing's upcoming webinar on "Measuring Sponsorship ROI" - to be held on Wednesday, November 16th at 12:00pm EST. The session will be extremely valuable and certainly is a hot topic of discussion that we can all learn more about. Please check out the details about the webinar in the October Newsletter and reach out to Chris Todd at ctodd@navigatemarketing.com for more information.
Click here to check out the October 2011 Partnership Activation 2.0 Newsletter, connect with other readers in the official Partnership Activation LinkedIn Group, and follow Brian Gainor on Twitter for additional sponsorship/marketing tactics throughout the month!
If you are interested in signing up for the newsletter, please send an email with "Subscribe" in the subject line to newsletter@partnershipactivation.com. In the body of the email, please include your name, company affiliation, and contact information when subscribing.