The Manhattan Sports Business Academy Delivers

What are the most important keys to a successful career in sports?
Depending on who you talk to, you will receive a variety of different advice around this topic. However, the common underlying themes usually center around networking and experience (whether it's volunteer work or paid). These two facets of building a foundation for a successful career in sports are crucial, especially in today's day in age where breaking in the door and career in advancement in sports has never been more competitive.
If you're personally interested in career advancement in sports, I'd certainly recommend considering a dual degree graduate program (MBA, MSA) - ala Ohio University - to build your network, gain invaluable experience, and begin the process of learning/challenging yourself on a daily basis.
However, I'd recommend that you also consider alternative experiences/opportunities like the Manhattan Sports Business Academy. David Oestreicher, Ben Sturner, and team have done an incredible job developing the MSBA summer leadership program in New York City over the past few years - an 8-week boot camp experience that allows undergraduate/graduate students and young professionals to jump start their career through internships, mentoring, and networking opportunities.
The MSBA offers an intimate group of students a unique and comprehensive learning experience that includes:
- 1-on-1 Mentoring with Established Professionals
- Career Development Workshops
- Internship Placement
- Weekly Guest Lectures
- Weekend Group Outings
- An Optional Fitness Component
The MSBA is closing its application process for this year's class (approximately 25 individuals) on Thursday (February 28), but would encourage you to check it out. With David at the helm (who is one of the best young leaders in the business), I'm confident that participating individuals will truly see benefit from the experience.
Check it out here: