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    Entries in wisconsin athletics (1)


    Athletics Departments Get Creative with Courtside Rotational Inventory

    During national television broadcasts, University Athletic Departments are provided an opportunity to leverage their courtside rotational signage to promote "institutional messages". As a result, Universities have gotten pretty creative with their messaging tactics, promoting everything from social media channels to kids club initiatives to award nominations.

    Check out a few screenshots that detail how the University of Wisconsin Athletics Department leveraged their LED scorers table display during a recent Wisconsin-Michigan State basketball game broadcasted on CBS.

    A special thanks to David Cohn of the Wisconsin State Golf Association for his insights and contributions to this column.

    Message: Promoting Lowe's Senior Class Award

    Message: Promoting Special WI Men's Basketball Facebook Offer

    Message: Promoting WI Men's Basketball Twitter Contest

    Message: Promoting Badgers Kids Club

    Message: Promoting Badgers' Varsity Magazine

    Message: Promoting Fan of the Game Initiative