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In-Stadium Turns Stadium TV's into Sony PSP Branding Pieces...

Are you looking for ways to derive value out of the hundreds of televisions situated throughout your venue? Are you looking for new opportunities to leverage partners looking to drive awareness for their products?

Dave Dressman and his group at InStadium created an incredible in-venue branding campaign designed to drive awareness for Sony PSP's "Madden Entertainment Bundle" among males 12-34 years of age. InStadium worked with Sony PSP to develop a life-size Sony PSP prop that turned flat screen televisions into giant advertising pieces. The props were attached to strategically located televisions in the concourses, pro shops and bar/lounge areas of four (4) NFL venues:

  • Cleveland (featured at five (5) home games utilizing sixteen PSP wraps)
  • San Diego (featured at four (4) home games utilizing 18 PSP wraps)
  • Dallas (featured at five (5) home games utilizing 17 PSP wraps)
  • Oakland (featured at four (4) Raiders games and ten (10) A's games utilizing 10 PSP wraps)

InStadium and Sony collaborated to feature the campaign over a three (3) month stretch. The parties complemented the concourse/Pro Shop/lounge branding with a video board "Play of the Game" sponsorship. In total, the unique branding campaign generated nearly 1.7MM impressions.

A special thanks to InStadium's Dave Dressman for his contributions to this column. For more information, please reach out to Dave at

Check out some additional pictures of the unique branding campaign below:

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