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    « Go Guerrilla With Your Soccer Branding Tactics... | Main | Have You Seen Adidas Futsal Park? »

    The Grizzlies Unveil The Toyota Pickup Center...

    grizz.jpgHas a unique venue branding tactic ever made you say, "That is really creative, why didn't I think of that?"

    If so, here is another to add to the list...

    Mike Redlick and Brent Schoeb of the Memphis Grizzlies recently led a project at the FedEx Form that converted an interior box office into The Toyota Pickup Center... This is an example of a great branding tactic that drives consumer awareness (opportunity for fans to gaze at the Tundra as they wait in line), consumer recognition (of Toyota's affiliation with the Grizzlies) and enhances the overall fan experience at the FedEx Forum (featuring a Pickup Truck over the ticket window creates a signature mark for fans in attendance to remember where they need to "pick up" their tickets)...

    It will be interesting to see how the Grizzlies take this branding piece to the next level. I am excited to see how the team leverages the "Pick Up Window" to really engage fans (exclusive test drive opportunities for suiteholders who pickup their tickets at the window? street teams engaging fans while they wait in line? exclusive tickets/experiences for select fans picking up tickets in the Upper Deck? ticket pickup tie-back to local Toyota dealerships?) 

    Check out the video below, which captures the extensive measures the Grizzlies needed to take to make the "Toyota Pickup Center" happen: 

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