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    Have You Seen Adidas Futsal Park?

    adidas%20football%20park.jpgAdidas Futsal Park is incredible. The facility, located atop a department store in Shubuya, Japan, is a premier footprint that is unlike anything offered in the United States. Adidas Futsal park is open to the public; nearly 500 teams have signed up to use the facility during both day and night. Adidas uses the facility (outside of a signature awareness play) to offer personal memberships, host soccer clinics, and run competitive local tournaments. The adidas%20football%20park2.jpginnovative "soccer playground" is surrounded by nets and other precautionary measures to keep all soccer balls, equipment, and players/spectators on the roof of the building.

    The facility debuted in 2001 after the Tokyo Sports System Co. realized that there was no space left within the city to adidas%20football%20park3.jpgbuild a soccer facility. They had no choice but to look upward to build, leading to a compromise with Adidas to build the facility. Due to space constraints, most department stores in Shibuya have used their long rooftops for entertainment purposes, but none to the extent of Adidas Futsal Park.

    When will a brand or league do something similar like this in the United States? Why hasn't something like this been attempted in Times Square? or LA? or Chicago? For brands (especially athletic wear/apparel) looking to make a media splash, this would garner instant attraction/consumer interest.

    Check out a video of the facility below:

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