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Chik-fil-A Gets Creative at the Free Throw Line...

The Orlando Magic collaborated with Chick-fil-A to create a unique near-court branding piece at Amway Arena. The stanchion signage located under the baskets features Chick-fil-A's signature cow with the messaging, "Block Burgerz, Dunk Chikin".

Thecreative near-court branding corresponds withan ongoing promotion that rewards Magic game attendeeswith a free Chick-fil-A sandwichat participating Central Florida locations following any home game when the team hits 20 free throws. To receive a free sandwich, fans just have to redeem their ticket stub the day after the game (for Saturday games, the ticket stub is redeemable on Monday since Chick-fil-A locations are closed on Sundays).

Chick-fil-A's unique stanchion branding piece will help draw buzz/attention to their promotional offerevery time the Magic shoot from free throw line. Check out the creative branding tactic below:

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