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Activate Your Student Section!

sobs.gifThe University of Texas has a great website geared to keep UT students in the loop with promotions, ticket information, and fan guides to Longhorn sporting events. The site provides members of Longhorn nation, known as the SOBs (Student Orange Bloods), up-to-date with information on student-specific promotions and sweepstake offers, season ticket details, and giveaways.

By developing this web portal for students, UT can offer its sponsor partners exclusive access to students, drive student loyalty and affinity for athletics promotions, and host a one-stop shop for all student information. Property representatives can easily sell this or show this as an added value to its corporate partners!

Here is a brief rundown of promotions that UT Athletics is offering Longhorn students:

  • 2008 UT Basketball
    • 5.9.08 - University Village at Austin is sponsoring a six months FREE RENT giveaway at the Men's Basketball vs. Oklahoma State game
  • 2008 UT Softball
    • 5.19.08 - The first 50 UT students that go to the Texas Athletics table behind home plate receive a pair of Longhorn Crocs
    • 5.21.08 - The first 50 UT students that go to the Texas Athletics table behind home plate receive a coupon for a Chick-fil-A milkshake
  • 2008 UT Volleyball
    • Students will receive Horns House t-shirts and balloons at selected games. Fans will also have the opportunity to make posters and paint their faces to support the team

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