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Fans Love Chipotle. Enough Said.

chipotle%20edited.JPGWhat drives fans crazy? Iconic brands.

Josh Hafer of the Columbus Blue Jackets recently described how the team has developed a unique way to leverage its partnership with Chipotle, a casual dining brand that has a cult following among Gen Y consumers. The Blue Jackets offer a "Chipotle Chutes" in-game segment where Chipotle goods are parachuted from the arena rafters. Fans clamor for the falling burrito chutes, which include a Chipotle t-shirt and a Burrito Buck, a coupon that is valid for one FREE burrito. 

As the chutes descend into the crowd, the Blue Jackets' PA announcer tells the crowd, "Hey fans, look out for falling Chipotle Chutes!!! They are coming to sections XXX XXX XX XXX". The promotion is relatively inexpensive for the team (with 40-50 chute distribution per game), yet is EXTREMELY popular amongst the Blue Jackets fanbase. While the in-game promotion takes place, the Blue Jackets flash Chipotle Chutes messaging across the stadium's LED boards to drive awareness and additional messaging. 

Once I find a video of this promotion, I will be sure to post it. A great concept developed by the folks at the Blue Jackets.

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