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Leverage Music Partnerships...

coyotes%20logo.gifEveryone loves music, there's no question about it. As a sports marketer, have you considered the fact that many sports fans would love to know what their favorite players, coaches, and team personnel are listing to?

The Phoenix Coyotes have capitalized on this notion with "Coyotes Trax", an online initiative that allows fans to purchase their favorite Coyotes' playlists or individual songs at the iTunes store. Coyote fans can also purchase a wide range of music that players listen to in the locker room before going out on the ice. The Coyotes offer a direct link to the iTunes website for fans looking to download music.

With Coyotes Trax, the Phoenix Coyotes have developed an excellent way to leverage music/electronic partnerships. Soon, we may see a number of organizations that have working relationships with iTunes to offer such services. I wouldn't be suprised to see new relationships formed between teams/University athletic departments and music companies, online music sharing companies, and different companies touting electronic products (i.e. iPod, mp3, disk drives, etc.)


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