Buick Lets Consumers "Tweet to Drive" in Chicago

Automobile companies looking for new ways to leverage their sports sponsorships to engage fans should consider featuring a team-branded test drive vehicle in-market that picks up fans on demand via Twitter. The real-time pickup service could take place on game days, during the off-season, or as a gratuity to fans looking for rides to/from the game.
Buick is currently running a "Tweet to Drive" test program in Chicago where consumers can send a tweet to @DriveBuickChi for the chance to get picked up, experience a non-threatening test drive of the new Buick Lacrosse, and get dropped off at a preferred destination. While touring the city of Chicago this past weekend, my wife (@LauraGainor) and I saw the Buick vehicles in town, tweeted to them, and had a wonderful experience testing out the automobile and Buick's new promotion - specifically targeted at the young-middle aged professional demo.
Check out a terrific post-experience recap Laura created that she recently posted on her site, http://www.LauraGainor.com, and consider new ways that you can leverage Twitter to bring your partnership activation plans to life!
Buick Tour of Chicago with "Tweet to Drive" @DriveBuickChi from Laura Gainor on Vimeo.
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